Oil & Gas Acquisitions


Owner/CEO Oil & Gas Acquisitions 1984-Present (Mexia, Texas)

Full Service Land and Legal Services for the Oil & Gas Industry 

  • Lease Acquisitions Exceeding 1 million acres, full title, curative (Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Colorado) 
  • Clientele has included Mitchell Energy (’84-2003), Devon Energy, Conoco-Phillips, Grenadier Energy, Rockefeller-Hughes, Triad, Denbury, Stroud, Hunt Oil, Mesa, Texon, Linn Operating, MD America and others
  • Operational services include, well staking, unit declaration prep, damages settlements for access roads, pads, rights-of-way & easements for locations and pipelines, frac ponds and frac water acquisition, water contracts, land farming agreements, salt water disposal agreements, surface facility lease & acquisition, easement agreements, water well agreements, remediation agreements, blow out settlements and expert witness testimony. Other services include surveying and construction contractors and supervision.   
  • Due Diligence, Permitting (Federal & State), Asset Acquisitions, Prospect Generation
  • Can bring personnel to any given project including attorneys specializing in Permitting, Title and Litigation, Senior Land Personnel include “in-house” and “field” experience exceeding 25 years each. In addition, we can provide wetlands, archeological and biological personnel for NEPA studies and for permitting issues involving the Bureau of Land Management, National Forest Service, Environmental Protection Agency, Endangered Species Act compliance and State and Local agencies
  • Production interests with Linn Energy, Devon Energy, Blue Stone, Legacy, Conoco-Phillips, BASA and Eagle Ridge Energy

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